The vision of the FarNavard project is for Iran to become a major international center for technology development, deployment, and outsourced and offshore services. The objective is to create thousands of jobs by providing services to companies inside Iran and to high-tech and consulting firms in the western countries. Young Iranians are highly educated and skilled in an array of fields. With investment, mentorship, and guidance from experts among the Iranians in Iran and Iranian diaspora, a generation of young skilled workers and entrepreneurs can become highly sought-after solution providers to the world marketplace.
Our system is based on the Pay It Forward (PIT) model. This model promotes a sense of collective responsibility and encourages individuals to play a critical role in elevating Iran to become a future powerhouse.
Each mentee we work with directly is asked to mentor 10 people in return—thereby paying forward the expertise and experience they have gained. This maintains a cycle of giving and assures that mentees will assist and inspire their peers. We will measure and share the impact of this program by regularly tracking outcomes and sharing success stories and testimonials.
Among the solutions and services, we are focusing on are:
Technology development and applications in Artificial Intelligence
IoT (Internet of Things) Development
Manufacturing and supply chain optimization software
Engineering software simulation, CAD, CAM, CAE, etc.
Enterprise software implementation using Microsoft, SAP, and Oracle
Enterprise software support and managed services for a variety of products
Client care managed services as a service model for companies within and outside of Iran
Customer support
Software and technical development
Advanced manufacturing and integrated supply chain management
Project Vision
Offer one of the best outsourcing technology solutions to the western countries.
Business case:
15M university graduates face high levels of unemployment in Iran.
Need to find other sources of revenue for Iran.
Build on your education by implementing digital technologies to efficiently compete with other countries.
Develop a workforce that can successfully launch small technology businesses with the goal of making them large and competitive, with differentiating capabilities.
Iran is an industrialized country, and Iran can leverage these resources to achieve responsiveness and financial transparency needed in today’s global market

You will have the following opportunities:
Learn how to start a business in these fields through career planning, business planning, and expert guidance.
Learn how to grow your company.
Connect with other companies and startups in these fields and learn how to become a valued employee.
Learn how to become a certified partner and/or certified consultant with Microsoft, SAP, Salesforce, and Oracle.
Learn from the experts in the most modern technologies including Artificial Intelligence, IoT, and other advanced technologies.
You will have the following opportunities:
Learn how to start a business in these fields through career planning, business planning, and expert guidance.
Learn how to grow your company.
Connect with other companies and startups in these fields and learn how to become a valued employee.
Learn how to become a certified partner and/or certified consultant with Microsoft, SAP, Salesforce, and Oracle.
Learn from the experts in the most modern technologies including Artificial Intelligence, IoT, and other advanced technologies.
You can participate in the technology project stream if you have a degrees in such fields as:

Computer Science
Industrial Engineering
Human Resources
Mechanical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Finance and Economy